Every business card you give out needs to instantly give an impression and distinguish you from the competition. Standard business cards are proven and tested to convey professionalism while sticking to the classic look. Our standard business card is a 2" x 3.5" 16 pt cardstock gloss finish card.
Upload your business card image by clicking the CHOOSE IMAGE button. If you would like us to design your business card, email your logo and business card contact details to art@GeorgeSupplyCo.com. You will be provided an email proof before production.
Canva also offers several free business card templates for you to customize. Then you can forward your completed design to art@GeorgeSupplyCo.com for us to print.
Here are a few rules you can follow as you think about what to put on a business card.
- Short, sweet, and simple. A card provides limited space to make a good and lasting impression. Only show the most important contact information and make the text readable. Your logo should stand out but not take up all the space.
- Keep your clients in mind. While a standard business card is easy to give out and receive, the design itself should showcase what you can do. Create a look that appeals to your customers.
- Take calculated risks. Whether you’re an industry veteran or a start up success, your company can’t risk fading into the background. Add an extra feature such as an embossed text or pick your own custom shape.