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If you have never had any business education, or you just need a refresher, here is a quick overview of the business fundamentals you need, to build your confidence and get you on the right track.
This course covers everything from finances, to legal, to planning, to entrepreneurial mindset, but it's edited down to only the topics you need as a small business maker.
Oh yeah, and it's only $5! Because you should invest in yourself, AFTER you are sure this is what you want to do. So let's make sure of that first.
Since I insist on using a professional course platform, the $5 covers the fee I pay. But I'm pretty sure, after this course, we'll have plenty of opportunity to work together.
Description of the Course
The Contents of the Course
Here is how the course is structured.
- Introduction to Small Business: Review the Pros and Cons of owning your own business, and the characteristics that make an Entrepreneur. Then review 30 business terms you need to know.
- Create a Business Plan: Review all the components of a business plan that apply to small business makers. Organize all your ideas, and current practices, into a roadmap for the future.
- Legal Considerations: If you haven't already, identify the business structure that applies to you, along with the necessary licenses and permits.
- Budgeting and Financial Management: Refresh yourself on the critical financial reports, how to manage your busines finances, and project your cash flow